Wednesday, April 28, 2010

la republica dominicana

hello all. i was inspired by my good friend suz to make a blog post after quite a long absence, even though i don't think anyone checks this thing anymore. just in case, though, i wanted to give a little update about what has been going on since i got back from spain. as soon as i got back, i was in a wedding where katie mack became katie browder. i moved to dallas, started grad school, worked with an insane but super cute little boy who bit and hit me numerous times, met some really cool girls at school, learned that doing therapy with adults wouldn't reduce me to tears everyday,helped(and am still in the process of helping) my roommate and friend kylie get ready to tie the knot, and decided to work at a young life camp in the dominican republic for the summer! lots more has happened, of course, but those are kinda the main highlights. i live with two friends from acu, suz and kylie, and it has been so much fun. we do crazy and dumb things all the time, things i can't even write about bc they would just sound so weird. i love these girls and we are going to miss kylie when she leaves us to get married.

i leave in five weeks for camp in the dominican and i'm so excited. it's going to be a really different experience than anything that i've done before, but i know it's going to be great. groups from the US will come down to the camp to work on projects for about a week at a time, and our job will be to interact with them, lead them on the projects and serve them as they serve others. i'm really excited about getting to meet so many different people from different backgrounds who all love the Lord and have that in common. my job title is summer staff coordinator, so i think i will be semi in charge of people,the summer staff, which is what makes it different than what i've done before. different, but awesome. i've been praying for our team and for the whole experience, and i would like to ask for your prayers as well. i pray that we are open to God doing amazing things through our group and in each of us individually. i don't think i'm going to be able to post anything here while i'm down there, but i'm planning to send out an email about once a week, so if you would like to be added to that list, leave a comment with your email address. i'm leaving you with a pickey of where i will be living in five weeks!

1 comment:

Andrea Lucado said...

Yay!! Please keep blogging. I love it and am so excited for your DR experience to come!