Sunday, February 01, 2009


dre came to visit this past week and it was absolutely wonderful. i'm so glad that at least one important person in my life has seen barbastro and experienced a little bit of my life here. we walked all over barbastro, ate a lot of bocadillos (sandwiches on crunchy baguettes), drank a lot of cafe con leche, went to visit a castle, ate dinner with my weirdo, old housemates, saw half of a really strange play in spanish, visited some historical sites in zaragoza and in general had a grand 'ol time. she was here for my birthday on friday which was sooo great, bc i would have been depressed to be here on my birthday alone. there are a lot of stories that i could write about, but i'm just going to put up some pickeys because it's easier.


this is me in front of pedro primero.


and me in front of alto aragón.


the castle in monzón. it took us forever to figure out how to get there, and we didn't even go all the way up.


dre with the beautiful city of monzón behind her.


our next album cover. the title will be "monzón, you've been good to us."


my picture for my solo album.


we started taking pictures like the ones people take at the leaning tower of pisa, except with normal objects. they aren't as exciting and didn't turn out so great, but we thought we were hilarious.



i LOVE her face in this one. we accidently left it on the timer setting so she had to hold her arm up for ten seconds before the picture took, and she got tired.



we met up with sarmite at one of my favorite places, el cortés, and a friendly spanish man offered to take our pic. too bad he didn't realize he needed to use the flash.


this one is better.


at one time a lot of spain was occupied by Arabs, so in some places there are still examples of their architecture. this is part of the aljafería, in zaragoza, and at one time it was a castle for an arab king, and throughout the years its been used as tons of different things. it was so pretty, but i didnt get any good pictures of the outside bc it was raining. i'll go back on a pretty day and take more pictures.


the inside courtyard of the aljafería, those are orange trees.

THANKS DRE for coming to visit!!


The Frugal Fashion Plate said...


I loved the pickeys, and props to you for best use of the word pickeys. Also, happy belated birthday! I intend to celebrate with you in person on your half birthday, in the U.S., as roommates!

Andrea Lucado said...

Your welcome!! Menzon viva en mi corazon para todos siempres. Oh Menzon...

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going to do the "look like you're holding something far away" pictures in the very near future. Great pics, Jo!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy....I am so glad you had a friend with you on your birthday! I thought of you often... wish I could come and see you while you are there...but maybe someday we can go together and you can show me everything! love you forever becky

Kristen said...

i want to visita too :( I am totally copying your hold an object pictures, hahaha!